Burnley Leisure Open - Senior 4BBB

Hoy and Simpson - 47 points
Killian and Coleman - 44 points
Tahir and Mahmood - 44 points
Davies and Merks - 43 points
Ul Haq and Ansari - 43 points
Pritchard and Wilde - 43 points
Nicholson and Stott - 41 points
Jones and Theaker - 41 points
O'Hara and Silvester - 40 points
Galawan and Evans - 39 points
Fowles and Hawling -39 points
Witt and Metcalfe - 38 points
Fitzpatrick and Pickles - 38 points
Mills and Taylor - 38 points
Boardman and Hurst - 37 points
Jackson and Houston - 37 points
Turner and Catlow - 37 points
Reeves and Yates - 37 points
Hopkins and Pearce - 37 points
Ellis and Haggerty - 37 points
Wroe and Daley - 37 points
Turner and Greenwood - 36 points
Mulligan and Newham - 36 points
Jackson and Fox - 34 points
Dunn and Harrison - 32 points
Holden and Calt - 31 points